Child Collection Procedure
The following Child Collection Procedure must always be adhered to when delivering sessions in a school setting, or external coaching sessions such as Football Camps for under 18’s.
Parents wishing for their child to make their own way home after the session must complete the relevant permission section on the session registration form.
Children may only be collected by people identified on the session registration form.
If another unnamed adult is to collect a child then a letter or email from the parent/carer is required prior to collection.
Children will not be allowed to leave with an adult not identified on the session registration form.
Late Collection of Children
If a parent/carer is going to be late collecting their child then they must inform Bradford City Community Foundation (BCCF) staff delivering the session at least 1 hour before the end of session.
Two members of BCCF staff will remain at the setting with the child until collection by a named parent/carer.
Unnotified Late Collection
If no one has arrived to collect a child or contacted the club 15 minutes after the session ends, the emergency contacts will be called.
If we have not been able to contact anyone 30 minutes after the session ends Social Services Emergency Duty and Assessment Team will be advised of the potential collection problem on:
Bradford Council Children Safeguarding Services
During working hours: Monday to Thursday (8:30am to 5:00pm) and Friday (8:30am to 4:30pm) - 01274 437500
Out of hours: Emergency Duty Team - 01274 431010

Bradford City FC Community Foundation registered charity number: 1122310
Copyright © Bradford City FC Community Foundation All rights reserved 2021