NCS is a government backed programme established in 2011 to help build a more cohesive, mobile and engaged society. By bringing together young people from different backgrounds for a unique shared experience, NCS helps them to become better individuals, and in turn better citizens. NCS is open to 16 and 17 year-olds across England and Northern Ireland. The two week programme, which takes place in school holidays, includes outdoor team-building exercises, a residential for participants to learn ‘life skills’, a community-based social action project and an end of programme celebration event. Here are some of the benefits for your students:

Membership to a graduate network: NCS provides access to apprenticeships and work experience at extremely prestigious companies, amongst other opportunities.
Skills development: The programme helps young people pick up many of the ‘soft skills’ employers are looking for.
Key stats to date:
Almost 600,000 young people have taken part in NCS since its pilot
More than twelve and a half million hours of community action have been completed by students taking part in NCS
NCS delivers value for money - £3.49 of benefits to society for every £1 spent.
During lockdown NCS has had over 1.7 million unique engagements with teens through its ‘Staying Connected’ hub.
It costs participants just £50 or less to take part in NCS and bursaries are available on a case by case basis. Support is provided for young people with additional needs.
As a delivery partner we have been delivering NCS for 8 years and are really excited to work with Bradford Forster and estblish NCS in your school.
For this summer, as a delivery partner of NCS we are working in accordance with government guidance and disseminated by the National Youth Agency (NYA) (https://nya.org.uk/guidance/) to keep your students safe, since ‘All young people will be able to attend indoor or outdoor activities. Youth provision for young people of all ages, both under and over 18 years of age, have the same requirements.’
Despite the ongoing challenges last year we had 470 young people across Bradford take part in the NCS Programme, and in total contributed 14,100 hours creating positive change and tackling societal issues across the Bradford district last year. Now that we are slowly getting back to normality, there is an even greater need for the benefits that young people can get out of the experience on NCS; connecting with new people, engaging with their local community, building skills and empowering them as they transition out of this challenging period. Read more about the impact NCS has had nationally here.
In the past 12 months, NCS has adapted to engage thousands of young people and support schools with the challenges they face. NCS aims to make a life-changing difference to young people and how they approach life after school (something that can be daunting for even the most confident teens). As well as our summer programme, we now offer our ‘Skills Booster’ programme that aims to support teachers in providing high-quality personal development opportunities to young people.
NCS is valued by Ofsted as the programme supports your student’s personal development. Our NCS programme also embeds four of the Gatsby Benchmarks 1,5,6 & 7 and inputs into your student’s career guidance.
Confidence: Drives and improves confidence in young people, helping them to develop their self-belief.
Social mixing: Working with other young people from a variety of different backgrounds to make a change in their community.
Excellent evidence on a UCAS statement or a CV: NCS helps young people prove their ability to go above and beyond and challenge themselves.
Aspirational opportunities: Young people will experience success in different environments and realise their potential through pushing themselves to take on new challenges. They will also experience university life as part of their residential experience.
Community engagement: By delivering a Social Action Project, young people will discover that they have the power to make a difference in their local community.

Bradford City FC Community Foundation registered charity number: 1122310
Copyright © Bradford City FC Community Foundation All rights reserved 2021